EVENT DATE: 5th and 6th October 2024
John Cameron-Webb will be running World War One tour to the Somme battlefields for the weekend of 5th and 6th October 2024. The tour will look at the series of British offensives commonly referred to as The Battle of the Somme, or “The Big Push” which cost around 245,000 British and Empire casualties between 1st July and 18th November 1916. The tour includes visits to a variety of places of interest such as monuments, trenches, craters and cemeteries where John will give detailed information about the battles, the reasons why and how the offensive was conducted and it’s legacy.
November 27, 2020
NOTICE of the British Society: Annual General Meeting This year the Britsoc AGM will be held on Thursday 7th December at 7pm at Orff Jodenbreestraat 5, 1011 NG Amsterdam for all
April 7, 2019
We can help you get all the information you need. We can help you to settle in and answer all your questions regarding life in the Netherlands. We work as volunteers at
February 7, 2019
The Amsterdam Gemeente have managed to develop another money raising scheme that may also bring some benefits to the somewhat congested areas of Amsterdam. You may have noticed that parking
English Language Premier League Commentary on Ziggo Sport
January 3, 2018
If you like me have a Ziggo box and have the package which gives you Ziggo sport then you will know that they often show the Premier League matches which Sky is also showing.
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